Hazardous substances
ADR services and product portfolio
Do you deal with transporting dangerous goods? So, you or your employees have to undergo training pursuant to ADR 1.3!
We would like to offer you training, as well as a store with accessories for transporting hazardous substances in our company.
Dangerous materials specialist
External dangerous materials specialist
Offer of an external specialist for dangerous materials by the Andreas Wolmann transport company.
We ensure the safety of your company and we are your competent partner in terms of road transport of dangerous goods. We make sure that you are aware of all duties associated with transporting dangerous goods and follow relevant legal provisions. Of course, as an external dangerous materials specialist, we will train your employees. This way we ensure that all persons involved in transport are able to conduct processes associated with the handling of dangerous goods in accordance with the regulations. We make sure not to disrupt your operational processes.
Our offer:
- Plant visit and monitoring, demonstrating deficiencies
- Drawing up protocols in respect of monitoring ADR equipment and securing load onto a vehicle / 1 a year
- Training authorized persons and the management in accordance with ADR 1.3, at our company: a maximum of 5 people, with a completion certificate (*more information below)
- Preparation of yearly reports, assessment and archiving of MSDSs
- Free advice in the case of individual questions sent via e-mail, hotline / through WhatsApp.
Additional services:
- Special training for difficult employees, at our company
- Developing an accident report, together with dealing with the authorities
Price after your inquiry!
Transporting dangerous loads
Our store with accessories for transporting dangerous materials
Our store with accessories for transporting dangerous materials. It contains complete basic ADR equipment (suitcase), as well as binders, individual components and information materials.
- Ensuring access to basic equipment, such as stickers for dangerous materials.
- Instructions for the driver in terms of hazardous substances / securing a load for every user.
- Act on hazardous substances – ADR Logbook
You know the drill: dangerous goods must be transported, which requires specialized equipment that has to be replaced from time to time. Whether or not these are ADR suitcases, binding materials or safety materials. Everything must be thought through. All this consumes your valuable time that could be spent on something else.
Wouldn’t it be easier if you had a store with a competent contact person nearby?
Well then, you are in good hands, because our company has launched a store with accessories for transporting hazardous substances. You will be able to purchase equipment for transporting dangerous goods, as well as materials for securing loads in place.
On request we can deliver the goods within the Schwelm Wuppertal area, free of charge on orders of above € 150.
On demand, as an External Specialist for Road Transport of Hazardous Substances, we also monitor your ADR equipment / fire extinguisher expiry date and the transported tonnage of dangerous goods by class, we prepare the necessary yearly report, deal with official correspondence in the event of an accident, and also conduct the necessary ADR 1.3 training for your employees at our premises.
Just contact us!
Important! Prior registration is required to participate in the training.
Contact Person
Inquire about ADR dangerous goods
Transportunternehmen Andreas Wolmann
– Instructions
Training locations:
Schwelmer Straße 135, 42389 Wuppertal
Martener Hellweg 42, 44379 Dortmund
Contact Person
Thomas Ritter
ADR – Experte
0202 / 870 748 12
0157 / 86783168